Social innovation in chronic kidney disease in Mexico from a collaboration amongst CIQA and CISAI.
dynamic systems, health-care system, intervention planning, thinking systems, causal loop diagram, chronic kidney disease (CKD)Abstract
Purpose: To improve of the systemic understanding of the causes of CKD mortality for the ideation of solutions with Public Research Centers.
Methodology: A community-based system dynamics methodology was implemented to generate a map of systems and solutions.
Theoretical Findings: Four causal cycles were identified: Primary risk management; comprehensive management of patients at risk; management of the patient in the final stage; and comprehensive management of the patient in the final stage.
Practical Findings: The axes of solution were to increase the number of patients with self-care from stage four to five, and in the Renal Replacement Therapy stage; and increase the number of patients with end-stage treatment.
Originality: The discoveries of the map guide the development of solutions and research programs of public research centers, as well as the disciplinary integration of medicine, psychology, nutrition, social work, and community.
Conclusions and limitations: The generated map can be used to prospect the potential impact of both interventions and scenarios with current conditions.
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