About the Journal
=== The AMIDI ===
The Academia Mexicana de Investigación y Docencia en Innovación (AMIDI) is an organization established in 2019, registered under the National Registry of Institutions and Scientific and Technological Enterprises (RENIECYT) No. 2200092, and listed in the Publishers’ Registry of the Mexican National Copyright Institute with the ISSN Identifier: 2954-4041 and ISBN Identifier: 978-607-59397
AMIDI brings together professionals, educators, and researchers affiliated with the Sistema Nacional de Investigadoras e Investigadores del (SNII) CONAHCYT, México, from the following fields: I. Physical-Mathematical Sciences and Earth Sciences; II. Biology and Chemistry; III. Medicine and Health Sciences; IV. Behavioral Sciences and Education; V. Humanities; VI. Social Sciences; VII. Agricultural, Livestock, Forestry, and Ecosystem Sciences; VIII. Engineering and Technological Development.
All faculty researchers are dedicated to advancing various dimensions of innovation, including but not limited to services and products, processes, marketing, organizational structures, technology, business models, and social innovation. Through a transdisciplinary approach, they develop diverse proposals for generating novel and original knowledge and practical applications that facilitate a smoother transition toward sustainable development.
To achieve this, AMIDI leads several initiatives, such as:
Promoting scientific, original, and unpublished knowledge through the journal Scientia et PRAXIS (https://scientiaetpraxis.amidi.mx/index.php/sp/index).
The publication of scientific and academic eBooks hosted in the AMIDI.Biblioteca Digital Repository.
The promotion of continuing education, recognized by the Mexican Ministry of Public Education, through virtual diploma programs, available at https://amidi.mx, such as:
- Digital Marketing Innovation (ESDIP-2020-046)
- Innovation through E-Business (ESDIP-2020-047)
- Marketing and Innovation for the Development of New Products and/or Services (ESDIP-2020-048)
- The Master's and Doctorate in Innovation Management for Sustainable Development (MAIDS / RVOE: ESM14202323 and DAIDS / RVOE: ESD 14202490), which were designed by faculty-researchers affiliated with the National System of Researchers (SNII) of CONAHCYT, Mexico. These programs are aligned with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (UN, 2015) and the 10 National Strategic Programs (PRONACES, 2023) issued by CONAHCYT, Mexico. Additionally, they incorporate the requirements established by the state innovation, science, and technology ministries nationwide.
These programs are further organized, as explained later in the document, into three líneas generadora y de aplicación del conocimiento (LGAC) as research areas:
- Agribusiness and Food Sovereignty
- Culture of Peace, Education, and Security for Sustainable Development
- Socio-ecological Systems, Energy, Housing, and Health
===Social Networks ===
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=== The Scientia et PRAXIS Journal ===
The Scientia et PRAXIS journal is a multidisciplinary publication focused on promoting innovation for sustainable development.
The Scientia et PRAXIS's main purpose is to disseminate original and high-impact research that integrates diverse disciplines, fostering the generation of practical solutions and applied knowledge to address current social, economic, and environmental challenges.
Scientia et PRAXIS features thematic coverage encompassing a wide variety of areas related to innovation, sustainability, and social development. Its topics of interest include business management, applied technology, education, and strategies for sustainable growth, addressing these themes through interdisciplinary approaches that blend theory and practice.
The target audience of Scientia et PRAXIS includes researchers, academics, postgraduate students, professionals, and decision-makers seeking updated and applicable knowledge to create a positive impact in their areas of expertise. Its focus on innovation and sustainability makes it a key resource for those aiming to advance knowledge and its practical application in real-world contexts.
Scientia et PRAXIS follows a double-blind peer-review process and is an open-access electronic journal published by the Academia Mexicana de Investigación y Docencia en Innovación (AMIDI). It publishes on a continuous publication model and compiles biannual issues (June 30 and December 30).
Scientia et PRAXIS invites authors on an ongoing basis to submit original and unpublished works in english or spanish, authored by both national and international researchers and academics. Submissions must not be simultaneously under review by other journals.
Contributions should emphasize a multidisciplinary scientific nature, employing a problem-centered research strategy that crosses at least two disciplines. The goal is to propose innovative solutions aligned with the OECD Oslo Manual and aimed at achieving one or more of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030).
Submissions considered for publication include research articles that clearly demonstrate theoretical contributions (Scientia) and practical applications (Praxis) in their abstract, discussion, and conclusions sections. The journal also publishes special thematic editions by invitation.
Scientia et PRAXIS does not charge any fees (APCs, Article Processing Charges) for submission or review. Approved articles are hosted on the journal's website, equipped with Crossref DOIs, and undergo review using iThenticate and Grammarly Premium. Citations are tracked through Dimensions, and all articles are professionally formatted for online publication.
Scientia et PRAXIS is recognized in over 50 indices (catalogs, databases, university digital libraries, and international organizations) worldwide, ensuring broad access and consultation.
Submission Site:
Important Note: Please check your SPAM inbox for responses from Scientia et PRAXIS.
-Evaluation process-
The time to analyze the fulfillment paper requirements about the policies of a scientific article, similarity evaluation, and relevance assessment is eight weeks, and it takes 12 weeks to be finally published into the Scientia et PRAXIS web portal.
-Relevance assessment-
In order to measure the quality, feasibility, and scientific rigor of the articles received, the Editorial Board of Scientia et PRAXIS reviews their relevance based on the thematic axis of the journal in its multidisciplinary contribution as well as innovation for sustainable development. Therefore, the theoretical (Scientia) and practical (Praxis) contributions must be shown in the article's abstract, discussion, and conclusions sections and considered before submitting them to the evaluation system called double-blind peer review carried out by the experts supporting the research journal.
-Editorial Policy-
Scientia et PRAXIS has described its editorial policy based on a privacy statement of the authors' data and the Creative Commons criteria, which favor the global exchange of knowledge that does not imply a monetary cost for the authors in their access documents once accepted and published.
-Open Access Policy-
Scientia et PRAXIS is an open-access journal, meaning that all content is freely available to the user or his/her institution without charge. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles or use them for any other lawful purpose without asking the publisher's or the author's prior permission.
-Similarity Analysis-
Scientia et PRAXIS follows a strict similarity policy of no more than 20% of the content of the articles, as well as a permanent member of Crossref, which assigns a Digital Object Identifier (DOI, Digital Object Identifier) to each of the published works, facilitating linkage in their appointments.
The authors must ensure that before sending their works, they are evaluated with the anti-plagiarism software iThenticate to guarantee the applications' originality.
-Digital Preservation-
Scientia et PRAXIS promotes the digital preservation of information under the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) licenses.
-Discriminatory Expressions Policy-
Scientia et PRAXIS is against any discriminatory expression of race or gender or hates messages within its content.
The Editorial Team Members comprise an Editor-in-Chief, an Associated Editor, a Copy Editor, a Scientific Committee, and an Editorial Board. It is highlighted that the Editorial Team Members are from several institutions of public/private superior education and research from Mexico and abroad and are supervised by the Responsible Editor to achieve the editorial policies.
Current Issue

Scientia et PRAXIS, is a journal of the Academia Mexicana de Investigacion y Docencia en Innovacion (AMIDI). It is a biannual publication whose main objective is to disseminate scientific articles from academic research that are transdisciplinary and innovative, covering the broad spectrum of knowledge of social, economic-administrative, engineering, and health, among others. The works shown are unpublished, original, and signed with the exclusive responsibility of the authors. For the selection of the documents, the editorial committee relies on the opinion of national and foreign specialists, double-blind. The total or partial reproduction of the issue is allowed while the authors are cited together with the journal for non-commercial purposes, according to copyright. The opinions expressed here by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the publication's publisher.
This issue is a co-publication with the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mexico, titled Paths to Sustainability: Innovative Solutions in Food, Water, and Entrepreneurship.Scientific Articles. Special Edition
Complete Journal. Special Edition
The Academia Mexicana de Investigación y Docencia en Innovación (AMIDI) is an institution established in 2019. It gathers researchers and academics interested in developing the different meanings of innovation mentioned by the OECD Oslo Manual (2015 and 2018), such as services and products, processes, marketing, organization, technology, business model, and social. The AMIDI is also characterized by presenting several initiatives for disseminating sciences and their applications, one of these initiatives being the journal Scientia et PRAXIS. The journal's mission is to be a means for innovation focused on sustainability proposals emitted by the UN (2015) through the Agenda 2030. Hence academics and researchers from all disciplines of scientific knowledge find an excellent conduit to communicate their theoretical proposals, field results, and discussions that improve the life of the society. The journal's vision is to be a reference in the scientific field worldwide for its authors' theoretical (Scientia) and practical (Praxis) contributions.