Organizational culture as a means to a higher quality of life and service quality
organizational culture, service quality, corporate identity, working conditions, human capital formationAbstract
Context: The hotel industry plays a crucial role in nations' economies, contributing significantly to economic growth through tourism. Therefore, it is imperative to use companies in the hotel sector as the unit of analysis, given their dedication to providing continuous services, making it attractive to contrast with the internal aspects of the company.
Purpose: The study aimed to establish the association and correspondence between the service quality variables and organizational culture dimensions.
Problem: A current challenge in the service sector, particularly in hotels, is the need for more information about the impact of organizational culture as a determinant of service quality.
Methodology: The research adopted a quantitative correlational, cross-sectional, non-experimental methodology.
Theoretical and practical findings: The results indicated a significant relationship between the studied dimensions of culture, with a p-value of 0.000. The chi-square test was used to address the hypotheses. Additional cultural dimensions in the investigation model can be considered or expanded for future research prospects, focusing on objects of study in the service sector.
Originality from the transdisciplinary and sustainable innovation point of view: This work significantly contributes to science by providing insights into how companies in such a crucial sector as the hotel industry prioritize the improved quality of life for their employees. The internal dimension of companies is examined, emphasizing that their interest goes beyond mere wealth generation, focusing on key individuals who ensure the smooth functioning of the machinery, i.e., the collaborators. It is concluded that emphasizing the importance of organizational culture and its various components is crucial for delivering exceptional customer service. Creating optimal conditions for human capital fosters a sense of unity, resulting in more engaged collaborators who consistently strive to offer the best to customers and service users.
Conclusions and limitations: Ultimately, the intrinsic connection between a robust organizational culture.
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