Factors influencing regional innovation in Mexico for sustainable growth: An analysis from 1993 to 2020 and future perspectives
Regional innovation, Count models, Patents, Regional growthAbstract
Context. Innovation is key to regional development because it affects economic growth, raises income and improves welfare. The factors influencing regional innovation in Mexico during 1993-2020 are analyzed.
Problem. Economic growth cannot be understood if geographical characteristics and the causes of innovation are not considered. Thus, one of the reasons for the lack of growth is the low use of technologies and the scarce creation of innovations. Therefore, what are the main factors that influence the innovation capacity of Mexico’s states? and what explains the differences in innovation between a country's regions?
Purpose. To estimate the effect from education, income, foreign investment and high-tech sectors on innovation at the regional level in Mexico during 1993-2020.
Methodology. Poisson and binomial-negative count models were estimated to explain the patenting behavior of Mexican states and how they were impacted by education, income, foreign investment and high-tech sectors. The model considered the importance of neighborhoods and answered the questions of what factors influence innovation and how regional differences in innovation in Mexico were formed during 1993-2020.
Theoretical and Practical Findings. The theory that innovation takes place in dynamically diverse and geographically concentrated spaces is confirmed (Scientia). There is a positive relationship in innovation, but the concentration of innovation is greater in the center of the country (Praxis).
Originality based on a multidisciplinary approach that promotes innovation for sustainable development. To promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, economic activity must incorporate innovation in its productive processes, the ways to innovate and the strategies to promote it are key.
Conclusions and limitations. Patent counts are a limited measure, but it is concluded that innovation is key to promote the sustainable economic growth suggested by the United Nations. As future work, it can be extended to panel count models.
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