Transformational Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Students: A Path to Sustainable Educational Development
students, transformational leadership, intrapreneurshipAbstract
Context. Given Mexico's socioeconomic challenges, it is imperative to explore alternatives that empower the population. The object of study underlies transformational teacher leadership, which emerges as a positive factor in the development of intrapreneurial competencies among university students.
Problem. Despite educational efforts, transformational leadership in teachers is not widely applied in Mexican universities, limiting the development of entrepreneurial competencies in students. It leads to the following question: How can transformational leadership in teachers promote intrapreneurial behavior in university students in Mexico?
Objective. Identify the characteristics of transformational leadership perceived by students of the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez and its relationship with their intention to intrapreneurship.
Methodology. A mixed approach was employed to analyze students' perceptions of transformational leadership and entrepreneurial intent. Standardized questionnaires (MLQ and Intrapreneurial Behavior) and semi-structured interviews were used with a sample of 50 students. The data were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative techniques. Validity and reliability were ensured using combined methods and analysis in Atlas.ti.
Theoretical and practical findings. Theoretically, the study contributes to the field of educational leadership, validating the effectiveness of transformational leadership in learning contexts. In practice, it suggests that teachers can stimulate intrapreneurship, contributing to sustainable development in Mexico.
Originality. The study presents an innovative approach by combining transformational leadership and intrapreneurship, promoting the development of sustainable entrepreneurial competencies in a multidisciplinary educational environment.
Conclusions. Transformational leadership in teachers promotes intrapreneurial competencies in students. However, the need for longitudinal studies limits understanding of its sustained impact.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Carlos Alberto Santamaria-Velasco, Oscar Javier Montiel-Méndez, Gloria Silviana Montañez-Moya

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