Individualism and collectivism as predictors of entrepreneurial intentions of university students
entrepreneurial intention, personal values, individualism, collectivismAbstract
The entrepreneurial intention of university students is a phenomenon that deserves to be analyzed from different perspectives. One of the most important perspectives is that human values as the main predictors of attitudes and interests and hence, of behavior. This work presents an experiment realized on 715 university students of the school of business at the University of Guadalajara, from the theoretical approaches of the Theory of Human Values and the Theory of Planned Behavior. Once the instrument was designed from the literature and validated with statistical techniques, an exploratory factorial analysis is conducted followed by a linear regression model to test the hypothesis. Results show that the presence of personal values oriented to individualism explains entrepreneurial intentions with greater weight that those personal values of a collectivist type among university students. However, it is worth highlighting that both types of values (individualistic and collectivistic) present positive predictive capacity of entrepreneurial intentions. This proves that both, traditional and social entrepreneurship, are great options to be developed and reinforced among the university community. Results are analyzed and contrasted with the information provided by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) report for 2022.
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