Variations in the expenditure of Mexican households on foods with a high energy content, 2016-2020




foods with high energy content, household expenditure, income level, food labeling policy


Purpose. Determine the effectiveness of the public policy of labeling Mexican households in foods with high energy content (ACE) during 2016-2020.

Methodology. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique is used to calculate the average expenditure on three selected ACE foods. Subsequently, it is deflated to 2019 prices to establish spending comparisons between years.

Findings. There is an increase in spending on ACE foods by the socioeconomic levels analyzed, which shows evidence of the evolution of consumption patterns.

Originality. The effectiveness of labeling is analyzed through an economic and social perspective focused on the spending patterns of Mexican households.

Conclusions and limitations. Policies have failed to reduce spending on ACE food, but further studies are required to broaden the picture.


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Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Gimond-Ramos, Phd Student at Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo A.C., Sede Hermosillo, Sonora

Phd Student at Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo A.C., Sede Hermosillo, Sonora

Carlos Gabriel Borbón-Morales, Researcher at the Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo (CIAD) , México

Originally from Navojoa, Sonora, Mexico. He has a degree in Economics, with a specialty in political economy, from the University of Sonora, Mexico. Master in Social Sciences, Specialty in Regional Development, from El Colegio de Sonora, Mexico. Doctor in Economic Sciences, from the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC), UABC Campus in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico.

He is currently a Full-Time Research Professor, attached to the Regional Development area of ​​the Food and Development Research Center (CIAD, A.C.) in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.

The areas of research interest are:
* Technology Transfer and Innovation in the Agriculture and Fisheries sector.
* Markets and Export Logistics of Agricultural Products.
* Studies of Competitiveness, Quality, Safety, and Plant Health.
* Municipal Development Planning, Municipal Budget Program, and Studies of
Economic Prospect.
* Community Development, Organization of Producers, business culture and
* Indigenous groups and Social Development.
* Design of Agricultural Productive Projects, Livestock, Beekeeping, Ecotourism and
* Decision-making and cognitive biases caused by Scarcity in Families with Extreme Poverty.
* Health Economics (market studies, customer service, costs and budgets, evaluation of the performance of health institutions)
* Studies on financial valuation and social impact for environmental, and tourism projects (Methodologies: SROI, Travel Value, Hedonic prices.
* Inclusive Business and Social Responsibility
*Research methodology with statistical technique.
* Risk assessment of Mipymes closing factors
* Social impact assessment in regional development projects

Juan Mejía-Trejo, Researcher Professor Titular B at the CUCEA-Universidad de Guadalajara

Dr. Juan Mejía Trejo
He is born in 1964 in CDMX, México.
As professional experience:
1986-1987. Quality Department Control in KOKAI Electrónica S.A.
1987-2008. Former Internal Plant Exploitation Manager at Teléfonos de México S.A.B. Western Division.
As academic experience :
1987. He earned his degree in Communications and Electronics Engineering from the Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica, Instituto Politécnico Nacional (ESIME at the IPN)
2004. He earned his master’s in Telecommunications Business Administration from INTTELMEX and France Telecom.
2010. He earned his doctorate in Administrative Sciences from the Escuela Superior de Comercio y Administración (ESCA at the IPN)
2011.He is a member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) Level I of the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) , México.
2010 to the present, he is Titular Research Professor B at the Department of Marketing and International Business at the Universidad de Guadalajara, México.
2018-2020. He earned his master’s in Valuing Business in the Centro de Valores S.C. México.
2019.He earned Level II of the SNI/CONACYT
2015-2022.He earned the Coordination of the Doctorate in Management Sciences at the Universidad de Guadalajara.

Currently, he is the founder of the AMIDI (Academia Mexicana de Investigacion y Docencia en Innovación SC) ( as well as founder and editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Scientia et PRAXIS (https://scientiaetpraxis

His line of research is Innovation Management, publishing articles and books that can be found on the Internet.


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How to Cite

Guimond-Ramos, J. C., Borbón-Morales, C. G. ., & Mejía-Trejo, J. (2023). Variations in the expenditure of Mexican households on foods with a high energy content, 2016-2020. Scientia Et PRAXIS, 3(05), 1–25.



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