Mexican sovereign bonds an opportunity for sustainable development and the impact of their profitability on the investor's portfolio
Sovereign Bond, SDG, ValuationAbstract
Context: The research emphasizes the relationship between Mexican sovereign bonds, the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and the impact on the profitability of the investor's portfolio.
Purpose: Establish the relationship of Mexican sovereign bonds with the SDGs and Evaluate the impact of Mexican sovereign bonds on the profitability of the investor's portfolio.
Problem: Sovereign bonds must present an opportunity for sustainable development and in turn impact the profitability of the investor's portfolio.
Methodology: The methodological approach is of a mixed nature, the methodology used is descriptive since a literature review is carried out that allows the fact to be described, it is also quantitative in nature since the discounted flow valuation model is used for the creation of different scenarios.
Findings: Mexican sovereign bonds show a key relationship with SDGs and are presented as an alternative for sustainable investor since they contribute to the development of those objectives and, at the same time, can generate greater capital gains or profits in their portfolio.
Originality from a transdisciplinary and sustainable innovation point of view: The document shows originality since a review and application is made to the context of national sovereign bonds and their relationship with the (SDGs).
Conclusions and limitations: The research question originally posed was answered: What is the relationship of Mexican sovereign bonds with the sustainable development goals (SDGs)? This relationship is inherent to Mexican sovereign bonds.
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