Value and price of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) in a bibliometric study
Purpose.This research aims to identify the existing scientific literature around the value and price of NFTs.
Methodology. The methodology used in this article consists of a bibliometric analysis, the Scopus database is used from the first appearance of an article to the present.
Findings. The results show that there is very little scientific literature around the value and price of NFTs, eight articles are distinguished, where only three contribute in their entirety to the description of the value and price variables, in addition there are incident variables in the value and price of NFTs, which would have the potential to generate new knowledge in this field, make theoretical proposals in valuation and price models for these assets.
Originality. The investigation was carried out considering only the Scopus database, using VosViewer software, it is recommended for future research to take into account other databases.
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