Sustainable Development Through Innovation in Food Security and Eating Habits in Marginalized Families
responsible consumption, food expenditure, eating habits, perception, food securityAbstract
Context. In southern Mérida, Yucatán, there is a high concentration of AGEBs with significant social disadvantage and populations lacking access to nutritious and quality food. This situation leads to various challenges and necessitates actions to ensure access to sustainable food.
Problem. The deficit in healthy food consumption in these communities reveals significant barriers to adopting improved dietary practices, influenced by various factors. This challenge aligns with SDG 2: Zero Hunger, which aims to guarantee food security and adequate nutrition for all. In this context, it is essential to explore how family perceptions of eating habits affect healthy food consumption in marginalized families and how strategies based on the SDGs can help overcome these barriers. How does the perception of family eating habits influence healthy food consumption in marginalized families?
Purpose. This study analyzes how family perception impacts dietary practices in marginalized areas, advancing sustainable development goals through innovative approaches to food security.
Methodology. A quantitative, non-experimental study was conducted in Mérida, Yucatán, in 2023, using a random sample of 400 families based on INEGI data. The survey included CONEVAL’s food security scale, previously validated to ensure consistency and reliability in the studied context.
Theoretical and Practical Findings. Theoretically, the study contributes to understanding the relationship between perception and food security, while practically, it suggests interventions aligned with the sustainable development goals.
Originality. The research integrates public health, economics, and psychology to address food security through innovation, promoting sustainable development using the Oslo Manual and sustainable development goals as frameworks in marginalized communities.
Conclusions and Limitations. The results highlight the need for food security policies tailored to marginalized contexts.
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