Transforming Barriers into Opportunities: Innovation and Sustainability in Local Food Consumption in the Puuc Region, Mexico
food sovereignty, consumer behavior, local food systems, sustainability in local food consumptionAbstract
Context. The Puuc region of Yucatan faces risks due to climate change, loss of natural areas, natural disasters, and changes in consumption preferences that favor external and ultra-processed products.
Problem. Despite high knowledge of local foods, there is low consumption and production, raising the question: What are the main barriers and motivators that influence people's behavior regarding local food consumption?
Objective. To study individual behavior through factors described as motivators and barriers that influence consumption decisions.
Methodology. A quantitative, cross-sectional study was conducted. A sample was calculated with a 90% confidence level. Surveys were administered to adults in 7 municipalities of Yucatan during 2023.
Theoretical and Practical Findings. There is knowledge of local products. However, only a minority produces them. The main barriers and motivators affecting local product consumption were identified, highlighting lack of availability, information, and perceived high costs.
Originality. This study combines agricultural, economic, and marketing perspectives to address food security challenges from a transdisciplinary approach.
Conclusions and Limitations. High knowledge of local products but low local production was identified. Additionally, it was evident that the main barriers are external, while motivators include both internal and external aspects related to marketing variables.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Anel Flores-Novelo, María Fernanda Dzul-Dzul, María Cristina Mata-Castro

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