Prospective of the socioeconomic sector of beekeeping production in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico
bees, foresight, micmacAbstract
Context. Beekeeping is an alternative income for families in rural areas of the world, significantly improving their daily lives. The application of good practices for the development of this activity contributes positively to the conservation of the environment, due to the very dynamics of pollination, guaranteeing greater production, if the natural cycle of this process through bees is protected. Local governments must manage laws and policies that promote beekeeping to contribute to social well-being. This study focused on the Yucatan Peninsula as the subject of the study, but the analysis methodologies and results can be replicable for all beekeepers in the country.
Problem. The low income that beekeepers receive in rural areas of the Yucatan Peninsula is the main economic source for their homes. There is an absence of innovative technology and cutting-edge knowledge, poor beekeeping practices, and unfair prices.
Purpose. The objective of this research work was to prospect scenarios to identify socioeconomic problems in the beekeeping sector in the Yucatan Peninsula - Mexico and to make visible the present realities, negative factors, vision and their alternative ecosystems to establish a baseline of possible solutions.
Methodology. Income and population distribution indicators were constructed in the beekeeping sector based on information issued by government entities with open access, to measure poverty. Likewise, a prospecting study was built with the support of producers and key actors based on an analysis of a cross-impact matrix Applied Multiplication for Classification (MICMAC).
Theoretical and Practical Findings. It was identified that the factors that have affected production (flowerings) and negative externalities in the sector are the effects of climate change, the abuse of agrochemicals, the abandonment of units, the lack of involvement of young people, the lack of government support to increase productivity and facilitate mobility and marketing with fairer prices, among others, coinciding with what is stated in specialized and open access literature where different problems involving agricultural issues are addressed. Regarding practical findings, the key variables identified were the type of production, income, health, technology and innovation, and environmental impact. For their part, the determining variables were alliances and cooperation, as well as public policies.
Originality from a transdisciplinary and sustainable innovation point of view. This study was developed with the active participation of beekeepers from the Yucatan Peninsula, it was processed through a prospective methodology to graph the best future scenario by prioritizing their vision, addressing their problems, strengthening their knowledge and experiences, identifying the primary actors. , key processes for the development of strategies that contribute to strengthening this activity, materialized in fairer income to have a dignified life.
Conclusions and limitations. In this regard, it is concluded that the baseline of possible solutions must be focused on the key variables identified, from a multifactorial and multidisciplinary perspective. These studies are limited if we do not work hand in hand with the public sector when promoting public beekeeping policies, credits, and the intervention of academia and science institutes is required, and above all, the involvement of consumers.
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