Regional Wealth with Biodiversity and Socioeconomic Marginality
Regional Wealth, Biodiversity, Sopcioeconomic MarginalityAbstract
Purpose. Mexico is a country with a richness in biodiversity and a high level of Natural Capital throughout the territory; however, the highest concentration is distributed in regions where a population with high levels of marginalization and socioeconomic poverty lives.
Methodhology. The characteristics of genetic resources and their sustainable use in conservation require the establishment of cross-cutting strategies in the design and implementation of comprehensive public policies focused on society and the diversity of territories and social needs.
Findings and originality. This reality highlights the relevance of identifying the main elements that characterize the Natural Capital in the environments, mainly in the South Pacific region due to its social and cultural importance. The originality of this document is the analysis of the socioeconomic and marginalization conditions of the population with the most incredible wealth in biodiversity and establish strategies that facilitate the conservation of genetic resources in tune with sustainable social and economic growth in the medium and long term.
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