Protection of Traditional Knowledge and its Resulting Innovation




This document aims to propose a reflection on how important it is for emerging countries to protect their traditional knowledge and the potential it has to generate resulting innovation. This is based on defining what traditional knowledge is, the scope and limitations of the practice by the countries that recognize it, and its relationship with the concepts of the 2018 Oslo Manual (OECD, 2018) on innovation. It is concluded that there is still work to be done since there are persistent problems such as the lack of schemes: regulatory protection, rapprochement of cultural and/or traditional issues as well as marketing, among others, for emerging countries, which, if achieved, will allow them to reflect it in the improvement of their economies.


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Author Biography

Juan Mejía-Trejo, Titular Research Professor at Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico

Dr. Juan Mejía Trejo

He is born in 1964 at CDMX

As a professional, he worked from 1987-2008 as Internal Plant Exploitation Manager at Telefonos de México S.A.B. West Division.

As academic skills :

In 1987 he earned his degree in Communications and Electronics Engineering from the Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica (ESIME at the IPN)

In 2004 he earned his master's in Telecommunications Business Administration from INTTELMEX and France Telecom.

Finally, in 2010 he earned his doctorate degree in Administrative Sciences from the Escuela Superior de Comercio y Administración (ESCA at the IPN)

From 2010 to the present, he is Titular Research Professor B in the Department of Marketing and International Business and Coordinator of the Doctorate of Administration Sciences of CUCEA of the Universidad de Guadalajara.

He has been a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI / CONACYT) since 2011. He earned SNI/Level II from 2019 to the current date. His line of research is Innovation Management, publishing articles and books that can be found on the Internet.


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How to Cite

Mejía-Trejo, J. (2022). Protection of Traditional Knowledge and its Resulting Innovation. Scientia Et PRAXIS, 1(01), 1–8.



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