The Intellectual Capital and the Social Impact of Technological Innovation for the Valuation of Patents
Valuation, Intellectual Capital, Social Impact, Intangible and PatentsAbstract
Purpose. The purpose of this work is to demonstrate the structure of knowledge based on graphics and the evolution of the valuation of innovation patents in public research centers. The final document is a product of VOSviewer software to analyze the availability of innovation patent valuation records in the Scopus Databases from the years 2000 to 2022.
Methodology. This document is valuable because it shows a description of the scientific articles in the Scopus databases analyzed with the software VOSviewer (Bibliometric Analysis) software by country, educational institution, and author, with emphasis on the evolution of research on the subject in question. Finally, a visualization map cited references and co-citation analysis is provided to spot the knowledge base at the forefront of innovation.
Findings and Originality. This chapter is an approach to the state of the art of innovation patent valuation research in public research centers. It also demonstrates a structure of visual knowledge and the evolution of the topic in question. It also provides an important reference for academics to visualize the current situation and collaborative trends in this subject.
Theoretical contribution. The results show how intellectual capital is one of the main factors when valuing innovation patents, but in practice, only traditional cost-focused methods are used.
Practical contribution. When intellectual capital is included in the valuation of innovation patents, the intangible aspects of the patent are better covered, obtaining a more accurate valuation than with a traditional valuation focused on costs.
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